Учебно-тренировочный сбор по художественной гимнастике «Восходящая звезда» 26-30 августа 2024 и турнир по художественной гимнастике «Восходящая звезда» 31 августа 2024, МО, Одинцово Фото-видеостудия Миг - лучшее решение для вашего турнира!
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Тренировочные сборы по художественной гимнастике под руководством всемирно известного хореографа и постановщика сборной команды России Люси Димитровой, 08.07-11.08.2024, Солнечный Берег, Болгария Premium Sport Products
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Учебно-тренировочный сбор под руководством Любови Ломакиной, 1-30 июля 2024, Сочи
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Как вы относитесь или в прошлом относились к занятиям гимнастикой?
1. Кропотливо и самозабвенно, это моя жизнь и призвание
2. Это тяжелый, изнуряющий физический труд
3. Обожаю боевой дух соревнований и люблю побеждать
4. Это мое страстное, но не единственное увлечение
5. С удовольствием занимаюсь для себя и своего здоровья
6. Просто люблю гимнастику, медали меня особо не прельщают
7. Это возможность попасть в сборную и прославиться в спорте
8. Это моя неоплачиваемая, добровольная работа
9. Это интересное, но временное занятие
10. Это моя сносно оплачиваемая работа
11. Гимнастика отнимает все свободное время, а жить когда?
12. Мне надоело, занимаюсь ради родственников и их мечты
13. Это возможность получить золотую медаль и квартиру
14. Я реалист, занимаюсь только ради звания, наград и денег
15. Это моя хорошо оплачиваемая работа
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  • PIROUETTE™ - international club of rhythmic gymnastics in Dubai
  • ZMsports - Спортивная одежда и аксессуары для гимнастики и других видов спорта
  • Спортивная одежда для гимнасток Young
  • gymsport.ru: Профессиональные ковры для художественной и спортивной гимнастики
  • Школа художественной гимнастики в Санкт-Петербурге и Москве GymBalance
  • We are a workshop for tailoring leotards for rhythmic gymnastics ™️"SPORT LEOTARD".
  • Аренда ковров для художественной гимнастки
  • TROPSPORT - Производство спортивной одежды
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    Главная » 2018 » Январь » 2 » International Rhythmic Gymnastics Competition - London Spring Cup 2018, 05-06.05.2018, London, UK
    International Rhythmic Gymnastics Competition - London Spring Cup 2018, 05-06.05.2018, London, UK

    4th London Spring Cup

    5-6th May 2018, London, UK


    Dear Sport friends,

    A & V Rhythmic Gymnastics Club is pleased to cordially invite you to the International Rhythmic Gymnastics Competition -

    London Spring Cup 2018.


    A & V Rhythmic Club . Tel: 01322 330090


    Chair: Mrs. Galina Clark


    Event organiser – Ms. Alina Sales


    E-mail: friendship@btinternet.com





    Competition Hall

    Townley Grammar School, Townley Road, Bexleyheath DA6 7AB


    London, UK


    The event will be organised under the following FIG and British


    Gymnastics Federation rules, as valid in the year of the event.



    Individual A group

    DOB2011 - Free


    DOB 2010 – Free and 1 apparatus by choice


    DOB 2009 – Free and 1 apparatus by choice


    DOB 2008 – Free and 1 apparatus by choice


    Pre-junior DOB 2007 – 2 apparatus by choice


    Pre-junior DOB 2006– 2 apparatus by choice


    Junior DOB 2005 – 2003 – 4 apparatus by choice


    Senior DOB 2002 – 4 apparatus by choice



    Individual B group

    DOB2011 -   Free


    DOB 2010 – Free and 1 apparatus by choice


    DOB 2009 – Free and 1 apparatus by choice


    DOB 2008 – Free and 1 apparatus by choice


    Pre-junior DOB 2007 – 2 apparatus by choice


    Pre-Junior DOB 2006 – 2 apparatus by choice


    Junior DOB 2005- 2003 – 3 apparatus by choice


    Senior DOB 2002 – 3 apparatus by choice




    First 3 gymnasts in Group A Senior – all around and

    Group A Junior- all around will be awarded by prize money.

    First 3 gymnasts all around in all age category will be awarded by




    First 3 places in every apparatus of A,B group will be awarded by


    medal. Gymnast who has not received place medal will receive participation medal.

    All gymnasts will receive  diploma and London Spring Cup gift.




    Additional nomination: Miss Elegance, Miss Artistic  Miss Smile  &


    Miss London Spring Cup.


    Special award for best  group demonstration at Gala (one


    demonstration per team)




    Definitive Registration – 5th April 2018 (via e-mail)


    Nominative Registration – 5th February 2018 (via-email)


    Registration should include:


    • the name of the team


    • information about the judges you are bringing to the competition at


    your own cost


    • names of gymnasts, DOB, category and apparatus.


    • the contact information of the team (person name, phone and email)


    should be sent by e-mail by 10.04.18  MP3 format (via e-mail)




    1-2 coaches, 1 obligatory qualified judge.


    (If team does not have qualified judge  - charge £100)


    UK club would be required to provide


    1 judge for team of 8 gymnasts and 2 judges for team of 9 +




    Delegations will consist of 1 judge, 1 coach and 8 gymnasts


    Max total number of gymnast – 16 per club.

    2 gymnasts per categories/same apparatus


    Please, bring the flag of your country!




    Entry fee is £20 per routine. Gymnast performing 2 routines £40,


    Gymnast performing 3 routines £60 and 4 routines £80


    Payment of the registration fee can be paid directly to our bank


    account by 5th April 2018


    Bank details:  NatWest   1 Townley Road, Bexleyheath,



    KENT DA6 7JG



    Account No. 78024862



    Sort Code 517014



    Friendship Society









    Spectators fees

    £15 per day or £20 for 2 days. (child under 3 is free)


    Spectators fees do not apply to the delegation gymnasts/coach/judge, but apply to parents coming with gymnasts.


    Limited free parking is available at Townley Grammar School


    Participating clubs must pay for the travel cost of their delegation


    members and accommodation cost.


    London Bexleyheath Premier Inn is located on the same Road


    as Competition venue (5 min. Walk)






    A & V Rhythmic Club will be happy to assist each Delegation member


    with an official invitation letter, provided that the request is made


    before 5th March 2018. The request must include: full name, gender,


    Date of birth, citizenship and passport number, passport expiry date,


    the arrival and departure of the Delegation Member as well as the city


    the visa support application support letter must be sent to.


    Every Delegation is responsible for making their own arrangements to


    have the necessary valid insurance. A & V Rhythmic Club will not be


    held responsible for any liabilities in cases of accident, illness ,


    repatriation and the like.


    Packed snack will be provided by the organisation for all


    gymnasts/coaches/judges  on the day of competition.


    Category A


    Category B




    Under 8 –DOB 2010 & 2011


    Under 8 – DOB 2010 & 2011

    Without apparatus +1 apparatus by choice

    Without apparatus or 1 apparatus by

    (Min 1-3 dif from each body movement group)


    Max 7 difficulties.  Min 1 combination of steps.

    (Min 1-3 dif from each body movement

    Min 1 wave - 0.1.



    D: Max 5.00 – Free


    Max 6 difficulties. Min 1 combination of

    D Max 5.00 – Apparatus + 1 risk, max 0.5


    Max 1AD


    D: Max 3.00– Free

    (cost of elements by FIG, no additional value

    D Max 3.00– Apparatus + 1 risk, can be

    for BG recommended elements)

    single rotation, max 0.3



    (cost of elements by FIG, no additional



    value for BG recommended elements)

    Under 10 – DOB 2009


    Under 10 – DOB 2009

    Without apparatus +1 apparatus by choice

    Without apparatus and 1 apparatus by

    (Min 1-3 dif from each body movement group)


    Max 7 difficulties. Maximum 2 risks, Min 1

    (Min 1-3 dif from each body movement

    combination of steps.



    D: Max 6.00 – Free


    Max 6 difficulties. Min 1 combination of

    D Max 7.00 – Apparatus, Max 2 risk FIG, max


    0.5 Min 1AD –unlimited AD


    D: Max 4.00 – Free

    (cost of elements by FIG, no additional value

    D Max 4.00 – Apparatus + 1 risk FIG,

    for BG recommended elements)

    max 0.3



    Min 1AD – MAX 2AD



    (cost of elements by FIG, no additional



    value for BG recommended elements)

    Under 10 – DOB 2008


    Under 10 –DOB 2008

    Without apparatus +1 apparatus by choice

    Without apparatus and 1 apparatus by

    (Min 1-3 dif from each body movement group)


    Max 7 difficulties. Maximum 2 risks, Min 1

    (Min 1-3 dif from each body movement

    combination of steps.



    D: Max 6.00 – Free


    Max 6 difficulties. Min 1 combination of

    D Max7.00 – Apparatus , Max 2 risk FIG , max




    D: Max 4.00 – Free

    Min 1AD – unlimited AD


    D Max 4.00 – Apparatus + 1 risk FIG,

    (cost of elements by FIG, no additional value

    max 0.3

    for BG recommended elements)

    MIN1 AD – Max 2 AD






    (cost of elements by FIG, no additional



    value for BG recommended elements)




    Pre-Junior DOB 2007


    Pre-junior DOB 2007

    2 apparatus by choice


    2 apparatus by choice

    (Min 1-3 dif from each body movement group)

    (Min 1-3 dif from each body movement

    Max 7 difficulties. Maximum 2 risks, Min 1


    combination of steps.


    Max 6 difficulties. Min 2 combination of

    D Max 8.00 ,  Min 1 risk FIG ,


    Unlimited AD (FIG)


    Max 6.00 , Min 1 risk FIG, max 0.5

    Min 1AD – unlimited AD


    MIN1 AD – Max 3 AD

    (cost of elements by FIG, no additional value

    Not dominated hand in fundamental in

    for BG recommended elements)

    2BD (Ball and Ribbon)



    (cost of elements by FIG, no additional



    value for BG recommended elements)




    Pre-junior DOB 2006


    Pre-junior DOB 2006

    2 apparatus by choice


    2 apparatus by choice

    (Min 1-3 dif from each body movement group)

    (Min 1-3 dif from each body movement

    Max 7 difficulties. Maximum 2 risks, Min 1


    combination of steps.


    Max 6 difficulties. Min 2 combination of

    D Max 8.00 , Min 1 risk FIG ,



    Unlimited AD (FIG)



    D Max 6.00, Min 1 risk FIG, max 0.5

    Min 1AD- unlimited AD


    MIN1 AD – Max 3 AD

    (cost of elements by FIG, no additional value

    Not dominated hand in fundamental in

    for BG recommended elements)

    2BD (Ball and Ribbon)



    (cost of elements by FIG, no additional



    value for BG recommended elements)



    Junior DOB 2005 -2003

    Junior DOB 2005-2003

    FIG programme (hoop, ball, clubs & ribbon)

    3 apparatus by choice (hoop, ball, clubs,




    Max. 7 difficulties. Min 2 combination




    D max 7.00 – Min 1 Risk FIG, max 0.5


    Min 1 –Max 3 AD


    (Min 2-4 dif from each body movement











    Senior DOB 2002 and older

    Senior DOB 2002 and older

    FIG programme (hoop, ball, clubs & ribbon)

    3 apparatus by choice (hoop, ball, clubs,




    D max 9.00 0 Min 1 Risk FIG, Min 1


    dance steps.


    Min 1AD – unlimited AD



    For UK clubs:

    Category A: Level 5 & Level 4

    Category B: Level 3


    For International delegations:

    Category A- gymnasts training more than 12 hours per week and aspiring to compete at FIG international competitions.

    Category B – gymnast who train 12 or less hours and see rhythmic gymnastics as a hobby.


    In the event if gymnast entered in the wrong category and majority of judges will agree that gymnast is entered in the wrong category the results of gymnast in question will be moved to correct category. For example, gymnast wrongly entered in Category B will be moved to Category A.

    We will do our best to have friendly competition.


    Категория: Соревнования | Просмотров: 3487 | Добавил: Katerinka | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
    Всего комментариев: 0
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