09-10.06.2018, Kaunas, Lithuania
We would like to invite YOU to the 15th International tournament “Miss Summer”, that will be held in Kaunas on June 9th – 10th, 2018.
We would be glad if You participated in our tournament.
We kindly ask you to let us know about your arrival till the May 1st, 2018.
Kaunas Sport School “Startas” Mantas Raila, the Headmaster
Organizing Committee of the “Miss Summer”
Address: Misko st. 3, Kaunas
Lt–44321, Lithuania
Phone: RUS: +370 682 47228 (mob.) Aurelija Talačkienė
ENG: +370 656 35938 (mob.) Eglė Šileikytė
Fax: +370 37 422352
E–mail: rgmisssummer@gmail.com
Arrival – Friday, June 8th
Training – Friday, June 8th, 1400
Competition – Saturday, June 9th (meeting of judges), A cat. Banquet – Saturday, June 9th, 2000
Competition – Sunday, June 10th, B cat.
Departure – Sunday and Monday, 10th –11th June
Delegation may consists of maximum 10 people:
– max 8 individual gymnasts (maximum two gymnasts in one age group. You may choose to take two gymnasts in A and two gymnasts in B categories of the same age group):
2002 and older
- Pre–Junior 2006
- Pre–Junior 2007
- Children 2008
- Children 2009
- Children 2010
- Children 2011 and younger
Every participating team may prepare at least 1 performance for a GALA concert.
Start fee
Registration fee – 30 € per gymnast.
If club would like to participate with more than 8 gymnasts (in individual competition), the registration fee – 40 € for extra person. All costs have to be paid upon arrival.
All accommodation costs (~30 € per person per day in double room) are at the charge of participating club (breakfast included). First day of competition will be organized banquet for judges and coaches as well as dinner for gymnasts.
If you need any help with transportation from/to the airport or bus station, please get in touch with us by the 15th of May. We will kindly provide you with guidance how to get here, organizers on a special request can book a taxi. Transportation costs from/to airport or bus station have to be covered by participating delegations.
All participants should have their own health insurance.
We kindly ask you to send music of routines to rgmisssummer@gmail.com by 15th of May, 2018.
Music must be in MP3 format and named as following:
We would also like to ask you to have CD’s with you for trainings.
Winners of the “Miss Summer” will be awarded with cups, medals and diplomas (the winners of 1 – 6 places will be awarded with diplomas and medals, also, 1 – 3 places will be awarded with cups). The coach of the first place winner will be awarded with medal. Also, the organizers will award Miss Summer, Miss Elegance, Miss Grace, Miss Hope and Miss Expression with special prizes.