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Открытый турнир по художественной гимнастике «Кубок Ленты», 08 марта 2025, Красногорск Premium Sport Products
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  • Форвард спортивная одежда для женщин и детей Forward by Viner
  • PIROUETTE™ - international club of rhythmic gymnastics in Dubai
  • ZMsports - Спортивная одежда и аксессуары для гимнастики и других видов спорта
  • Спортивная одежда для гимнасток Young
  • gymsport.ru: Профессиональные ковры для художественной и спортивной гимнастики
  • Школа художественной гимнастики в Санкт-Петербурге и Москве GymBalance
  • We are a workshop for tailoring leotards for rhythmic gymnastics ™️"SPORT LEOTARD".
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    Главная » 2013 » Апрель » 18 » Открытый турнир городов России среди спортивных клубов по художественной гимнастике "Северная Пальмира 2013" 9-12 мая 2013 года
    Открытый турнир городов России среди спортивных клубов по художественной гимнастике "Северная Пальмира 2013" 9-12 мая 2013 года
    Открытый турнир городов России среди спортивных клубов по художественной гимнастике "Северная Пальмира 2013" , 9-12 мая 2013 года Санкт-Петербург

    Open tournament of the cities of Russia among sports clubs on rhythmic gymnastics

    «Severnaya Palmira-2013»
    May 09-12, 2013, Russia, St. Petersburg

    1. Competition Hall: Competitions are held from May 09 to May 12, 2013 in a sports complex to the address: Russia, St. Petersburg, 2/3 Ispytateley Ave., sports and improving complex "GAZPROM" (metro Pionerskaya).
    Meeting of referees and representatives on May 09 in 9:30.
    Competitions are held:
    On May 09 with 10:00 to 21:00
    On May 10 with 10:00 to 21:00
    On May 11 with 10:00 to 21:00
    On May 12 with 10:00 to 21:00
    Day of arrival on May 8-9, day of departure on May 12 after 20:00 (for teams from another town) or on May 13, 2013.

    2. Organizer of competitions
    The general management, preparation and place carrying out competitions carries out Sports club on rhythmic gymnastics "Premium sports", with support of Department of physical culture, sports of St. Petersburg, Sports federation of rhythmic gymnastics and Committee on physical culture and sport of St. Petersburg. Direct carrying out competitions is assigned to the main referee's board.

    3. Delegation:
    Gymnasts take part in competitions 2008 – 1995.
    Тeam: 1 judge, 1 coach, the number of gymnasts from club (school) is unlimited.
    Each gymnast has to have the certificate original about the birth/passport, the insurance original, the admission of the doctor.

    4. Program of competitions

    Class "A"

    young gymnasts 2008 w/a (9 elements) D: max.-2.4 p.
    young gymnasts 2007 w/a (9 elements) D: max.-2.4 p.
    young gymnasts 2006 w/a (9 elements) D: max.--2.7 p.
    young gymnasts 2006 w/a (9 elements) D: max.--3.2 p.
    young gymnasts 2005 w/a (9 elements) D: max.--2.7 p.
    young gymnasts 2005 w/a (9 elements) D: max.--3.2 p.
    young gymnasts 2004 w/a (9 elements) D: max.--3.0 p.
    young gymnasts 2004 w/a (9 elements) D: max.--3.5 p.
    young gymnasts 2003 w/a (9 elements) D: max.--3.4 p.

    III category 2005 w/a +1apparatus by choice, D w/a: max.-3.3 б.
    (9 and 7 elements)
    II category 2004 w/a +1apparatus by choice, D w/a: max.-3.3 б.
    (9 and 7 elements)
    I category 2003 w/a +1apparatus by choice, D w/a: max.-3.5 б.
    (9 and 7 elements)
    I category 2002 w/a +1apparatus by choice, D w/a: max.-3.5 б.
    (9 and 7 elements)
    II adult category 2001 w/a +1apparatus by choice, D w/a: max.-4.0 б.
    (9 and 7 elements)
    I adult category 2000 2 apparatus by choice, D w/a: max.- 4.5 б.
    (7 elements)
    I adult category 1999 2 apparatus by choice, D w/a: max.- 4.5 б.
    (7 elements)
    I adult category 1998 2 apparatus by choice, D w/a: max.- 4.5 б.
    (7 elements)
    I adult category 1997 2 apparatus by choice, D w/a: max.- 5.0 б.
    (7 elements)
    I adult category 1996 2 apparatus by choice, D w/a: max.- 5.0 б.
    (7 elements)
    I adult category 1995 2 apparatus by choice, D w/a: max.- 5.0 б.
    (7 elements)

    Class "B"

    young gymnasts 2008 w/a (9 elements) D: max.- 3.0 б.
    young gymnasts 2007 w/a (9 elements) D: max.- 3.2 б.
    young gymnasts 2006 w/a (9 elements) D: max.- 3.5 б.
    young gymnasts 2005 w/a (9 elements) D: max.- 3.8 б.
    young gymnasts 2004 w/a (9 elements) D: max.- 4.0 б.
    young gymnasts 2003 w/a (9 elements) D: max.- 4.2 б.

    III category 2007 w/a +1apparatus by choice, D w/a: max.- 3.4 б.
    (9 and 7 elements)
    III category 2006 w/a +1apparatus by choice, D w/a: max.- 3.8 б.
    (9 and 7 elements)
    II category 2005 w/a +1apparatus by choice, D w/a: max.- 4.5 б.
    (9 and 7 elements)
    I category 2004 w/a +1apparatus by choice, D w/a: max.- 4.6 б.
    (9 and 7 elements)
    I category 2003 w/a +1apparatus by choice, D w/a: max.- 4.1 б.
    (9 and 7 elements)

    III adult category 2003 w/a +2 apparatus by choice, D w/a: max.- 4.6 б.
    (9 and 7 elements)
    III adult category 2002 w/a +1apparatus by choice, D w/a: max.- 4.5 б.
    (9 and 7 elements)
    II adult category 2002 w/a +2 apparatus by choice, D w/a: max.- 5.2 б.
    (9 and 7 elements)
    II adult category. 2001 w/a +1apparatus by choice, D w/a: max.- 5.0 б.
    (9 and 7 elements)
    I adult category 2001 w/a +2 apparatus by choice, D w/a: max.- 5.7 б.
    (9 and 7 elements)
    I adult category 2001 w/a +3 apparatus by choice, D w/a: max.- 6.5 б.
    (9 and 7 elements)

    Junior 2000 3 apparatus by choice, D w/a: max.- 6.5 б.
    (7 elements)
    Junior 1999 3 apparatus by choice, D w/a: max.- 6.5 б.
    (7 elements)
    Junior 1998 3 apparatus by choice, D w/a: max.- 6.8 б.
    (7 elements)
    Senior 1997 3 apparatus by choice, D w/a: max.- 8.3 б.
    (9 elements)
    Senior 1996 3 apparatus by choice, D w/a: max.- 8.3 б.
    (9 elements)
    Senior 1995 3 apparatus by choice, D w/a: max.- 8.3 б.
    (9 elements)

    Class "C"

    young gymnasts 2007 w/a (6-9 elements) D: max.- 8.0 б.
    young gymnasts 2006 w/a (6-9 elements) D: max.- 8.0 б.
    young gymnasts 2005 w/a (6-9 elements) D: max.- 8.0 б.
    young gymnasts 2004 w/a (6-9 elements) D: max.- 8.0 б.
    young gymnasts 2003 w/a (6-9 elements) D: max.- 8.0 б.

    III category 2007 w/a +1 apparatus by choice, D: max.- 8.0 б.
    III category 2006 w/a +1apparatus by choice, D: max.- 8.0 б.
    II category 2005 w/a +1apparatus by choice, D: max.- 8.0 б.
    I category 2004 w/a +1apparatus by choice, D: max.- 8.0 б.

    III adult category 2003 w/a + 2 apparatus by choice, D: max.- 8.0 б.
    II adult category 2002 w/a + 3 apparatus by choice, D: max.- 8.0 б.
    I adult category 2001 w/a + 3 apparatus by choice, D: max.- 8.0 б.

    Junior 2000 4 apparatus by choice, D: max.- 8.0 б.
    Junior 1999 4 apparatus by choice, D: max.- 8.0 б.
    Junior 1998 4 apparatus by choice, D: max.- 8.0 б.

    Senior 1997 4 apparatus by choice, D: max.- 10.0 б.
    Senior 1996 4 apparatus by choice, D: max.- 10.0 б.
    Senior 1995 4 apparatus by choice, D: max.- 10.0 б.
    (also is more senior)

    Group exercises:
    2001-2002 г.р. - program I adult category (2 apparatus)
    2002-2003 г.р. - program II adult category (2 apparatus)
    2003-2004 г.р. - program III adult category (w/a + apparatus)
    2004-2005 г.р. - program I category (w/a - 2 attempts)
    2005-2006 г.р. - program II category (w/a - 2 attempts)

    The organizing committee reserves the right for reduction of the program of competitions and association of flows of gymnasts, in case of small number.

    Providing demonstration performance from team is welcomed.

    5. Definition of winners
    Competitions are held by the existing rules FIG on rhythmic gymnastics of 2013-2016, with new changes and additions of 2013.
    Personal championship is defined in each age group on the greatest score in all-round.

    6. Rewarding
    Winners and prize-winners of competitions are awarded by cups, medals, diplomas and valuable prizes. The chief referee of competitions establishes some special prizes. To all participants, referees and coaches of competitions valuable and memorable prizes, souvenirs are awarded.

    7. Financial expenses and conditions of reception of participants

    All expenses on sending and participation in competitions at the expense of the sending organization. All expenses connected with the organization and carrying out tournament, by rewarding of winners and prize-winners it is carried out at the expense of the raised funds and sponsors.
    Registration fee for each gymnasts: 35 € per gymnast
    group team – 150 € .

    8. Hotel
    Atomprof hotel, www. atomprof-hotel.ru
    Price: for 1 person- 25 euro per day + breakfast
    Numbers with a breakfast. Breakfasts already enter into accommodation cost. In numbers all conveniences (TV, refrigerator, teapot). The hotel is in 15 minutes of walking from a sports complex or one stoppage on any transport.

    Teams are provided with accommodation only according to the preliminary application till April 25. With the exact instruction: hotels, numbers, number of people, day of arrival and departure.
    The request to specify an arrival time and departure, transport (the train, the plane, the bus) with number (trains, flight), a number of people.

    9. Cultural program

    The sightseeing tour around the city by bus is planned for May 10-11, 2013. Excursion free. This year excursion on a new route is ordered. The request to specify quantity of the places necessary for your team in the entry.
    Excursions are visited only by participants of tournament, coaches and referees!

    Referees and coaches are respected!

    The request to have replaceable footwear without heels and the strict referee's kit
    (black/white color).

    10. Deadlines:
    Preliminary registration: April 27, 2013.
    Visa application form: April 27, 2013.
    For teams from another town, cards («D» - 6 copies) are given for an hour prior to competitions on May 09 at 9:00. The original of the entry is crossed on May 09 at 9:30 in credentials committee.
    Confirmation on participation in competitions and preliminary nominal applications of team (the order form is applied), with the instruction: "Class" of the gymnast, year of birth, the referee, category of the referee and the coach, are received till April 27, 2013 by
    e-mail: premium-sport@mail.ru
    or by phone: 8-921-792-86-37 – Griaznova Ekaterina

    Прикрепления: Картинка 1 · Картинка 2
    Категория: Соревнования | Просмотров: 3260 | Добавил: club | Теги: открытый турнир, открытый турнир городов России сред, открытый турнир городов России, Северная Пальмира | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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