Цитата (Darina)
А что юниоры закончили соревнования?
9th of February (Saturday)
All day - Training possibility in training hall (Turu 8)
11.00 Technical meeting for Miss Valentine tournament judges
12.00-14.15 Competition - RG seniors (individual - clubs and ribbon)
10th of February (Sunday)
11.00 Technical meeting for Miss Valentine tournament judges
12.00 RG junior groups - FINAL competition
15.00 World Cup finals (free entry for Miss Valentine participants )
18.00 GALA
20.00 Banquet
9th of February (Saturday)
8.00-11.00 Training possibility in training hall (Turu 8)
12.00-14.15 Competitions for seniors (Ihaste tee 7)
15.00-16.00 Finals for juniors (Ihaste tee 7)
10th of February
8.00-11.00 Training possibility in training hall (Turu 8)
13.00 Finals for seniors (Ihaste tee 7)
18.00 GALA