23.03.2013, Düsseldorf
5th International City Cup.
Rhythmic Gymnastics here in Düsseldorf.
In the gymnasium of the Marie-Curie School in Düsseldorf , Gerresheim. ![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/526404_502112303163746_1052060730_n.jpg)
SSV Düsseldorf Knittkuhl .Rhythmic Gymnastics
Until over 100 gymnasts from the following clubs meet to participate in Düsseldorf's International City Cup. We welcome all of our guests and hope they enjoy their stay and the competition.
The following teams are participating, St Petersburg, LZ Wiener Neustadt, Essener TB, SK Nord, TSV Bayer 04 Leverkusen, SSV Düsseldorf, TUB Bocholt, TSV Bocholt, Patac Mtodziezy Warsaw, Forza Ritmica Gent, UKS Irina Warsaw, Berliner Turnerbund, PTG Sokot Krakow, Brussels GR, TSV 1846 Nürnberg, TV Wattenscheid 01, VK Janika Tartü, Gym Mol, St. Petersburg Fuete, TV Rehlingen, QBC Leeuwarden and Danielle Prince of Australia.
City Cup 2013 (Pre Jun. 10)
City Cup 2013 (Pre Jun. 12)
City Cup 2013 Seniors 1st Discipline
City Cup 2013 Pre Jun. 11. 1st Discipline.
City Cup 2013 Pre Jun 12. 1st Discipline.
City Cup 2013 Children 7,8 and 9.Complete.